Florian Much - Patent Attorney and Partner at EHF Intellectual Property
Dr. rer. nat. Florian Much Physicist

    Dr. rer. nat. Florian Much Physicist
    • Partner
    • Patent Attorney
    • European Patent Attorney
    • European Trademark & Design Attorney
    • European Patent Litigator
    Key Areas
    • Opto semiconductor components and process technology
    • Semiconductor laser technology
    • Laser physics
    • Nonlinear optics
    • Semiconductor process technology
    • Solid-state physics
    • Surface Science
    • Material Science
    • Physics studies, University of Würzburg

    • Doctorate at Unviersity of Würzburg
    • Training as German Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney at EHF
    • Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney at EHF
    • Partner of EHF

    • English
    • German
    • German Physical Society