Dr. rer. nat. Florian Koller, LL.M.
Physicist, Master of Laws
Dr. rer. nat. Florian Koller, LL.M.
Physicist, Master of Laws
Key Areas
- Optoelectronics
- Communication Technology
- Information Technology
- Semiconductor chips and circuitry
- High-power technology
- Automotive engineering
Physics studies, LMU Munich
- Doctorate, LMU Munich at the Chair of BioMolecular Optics
- Continuing Studies at the FernUniversität Hagen “European Intellectual Property Rights”
- Advanced training “Certified Business Economist (IWW)” at the Institute for economic research and further education at the FernUnversität in Hagen
- Training as German Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney at EHF
- Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney at EHF
- Partner of EHF
- English
- German
- German patent lawyers' asscociation