Chemie - Kolben und Reagenzgläser mit Flüssigkeit

    We Have the Right Chemistry!

    Your chemical patent portfolio is in the best of hands. With our support and expertise you can build and monitor your patent portfolio worldwide. Our decades of experience ensure that your patent portfolio is managed in a cost-optimized, budget-oriented and efficient manner. We work in close cooperation with you to design and develop processes that are completely tailored to your needs.

    Secure your technological edge with a patent

    Continuous progress and developments in chemistry and process engineering drive our society forward and bring about change.

    The development of new chemical products and the construction of chemical production plants involve a significant amount of effort. Patents and utility models are an indispensable tool for the innovative chemical industry to protect itself from imitators and to secure its own technological edge.

    The further development of chemical process technology also involves high costs. These investments and the resulting technological edge must be safeguarded in the marketplace. Patents are of utmost importance in this respect.

    Patents in the field of chemistry

    Our patent attorneys for chemistry will provide you with support in the drafting, filing and prosecution of applications to protect your inventions in the different fields of chemistry and related areas.

    Our experts for chemistry

    The patent attorneys and patent engineers for chemistry and process engineering of our law firm specialize in patents for chemical products and processes.

    Our patent attorneys for chemistry work at an interdisciplinary level

    Your patent attorney at our firm is also competent in a wide range of related fields of technology, such as nanotechnology, material sciences or environmental sciences.

    Furthermore, there is close collaboration within our patent law firm with colleagues from other fields such as physics, mechanical engineering, medical technology or materials science. This enables us to deal with interdisciplinary issues in a comprehensive and solid manner. Each of our clients is assigned an individual team of experts.